I don’t think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains. – Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl
April’s Fool. What a silly day! Literally. According to historians, the celebrations dates to the 1500’s when France switched from Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. It is said that people were slow to recognize the start of the new year and thus they became the “butt of jokes and hoaxes”. The pranks included placing a paper fish on their backs and being referred to as a “poisson d’avril” or April’s fish which symbolized a gullible or naïve person or an easy caught. As “fun” as it might be today for many, the history behind it sounds to me a little like bullying. Let’s be honest, there are many other celebrations worth celebrating. However, the good thing about this “festivity” is that it tends to bring the child in all of us out. It reminds us to be silly and have fun.
Bringing the joy to the world! Joy in our lives improves our wellbeing. It helps us to have perspective on the important things in life. There are many ways to be joyful. The easiest way its to smile. Have you ever tried to smile when you are getting mad? Try it. Just thinking about it makes me laugh. Write a note to someone that you haven’t heard from in a while or spend time with them if you are near. Help someone out without being asked or volunteer. Give a compliment.
Be kind online. (Really everywhere but these days online is where most people feel comfortable enough to express their opinions.) My grandfather used to say – “be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can be forgiven not forgotten.” Kind words could change someone’s day! How powerful is that?! When we are mindful with our words, we are showing respect, love, and bringing joy. Words can impact someone to a lifetime even if they don’t mean much to you.
Plan to leave work early and enjoy the afternoon. Watch the sunset, exercise, go for a walk, meditate, read a book. The options are endless. Any of them will refresh your spirit, mind and your body.
Let’s be fool and enJOY this new month!
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